Yes, we do!
For as low as $5.95, we ship to the following countries:
- Canada
- Australia
- Germany
- Puerto Rico
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- Virgin Islands
- Bahamas
Estimated delivery options and costs for most international orders:
- Economy (20 business days) - as low as $5.95 or 12% of the order if an order is less than $200 (or 20% of order total* if over $200)
- Due to Customs and new safety procedures, international shipping times are experiencing delays.
Delivery option and cost for Bahama and the Virgin Islands:
- Economy (18 business days)- as low as $5.95 or 12% of the order if an order is less than $200 (or 20% of order total* if over $200)
At this time, we are not able to offer rush shipping for Bahamas or Virgin Islands. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please note, you are responsible for any duties or taxes that may be applied to your package after it has left our facility. The shipping costs incurred include production time and shipping cost to get out of the country and do not include export taxes.
Note: "order total" refers to order total not including any discounts applied in the shopping cart.
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