We know from time to time, you may have questions on your order.


  • You should have received a confirmation email when you placed your order and another email with a tracking link when your order was shipped. Simply click on the tracking link, and you will be automatically redirected to the tracking information.
  • If you placed your order and you haven't received an email from us, check your spam folder to see if the email ended up there. If you can't find your tracking email, contact our friendly customer support team at [email protected], or through chat on our home page, and we would be more than happy to assist you.


Too big? Too Small? Don’t like the color? Your cat doesn't like it? We are here to help! We made our exchange policy super easy! Within 40 days of your original order date, if you need a different size, color, or style, please email us at [email protected] or chat with us during regular chat hours. Include your original order number, email address, or name on the order as well as the details of the item(s) you wish to exchange. We will have your item reprinted and shipped to you as quickly as possible.


We are sorry to hear you may have experienced an issue with an item you ordered.

We will gladly issue you a replacement item or issue a refund back to your original form of payment within 40 business days from when you received this item for any of the following reasons:

  • You receive an incorrect item
  • Your order contains damaged product(s)
  • Your order has a printing mistake
  • Part of your order is missing from the package
  • You did not receive your order, but it has been marked as delivered.
  • You can contact us at [email protected] to get a replacement on its way to you ASAP! Please include your original order number, the details on what item(s) you would like us to replace, and the size you prefer.


If you receive an item you are not completely satisfied with, Let us know! You have 40 days from your order date to contact us. Email us with your question about your return at [email protected] or chat with us from our home page from Monday through Friday during regular chat hours. Our customer service team is happy to help answer any questions you may have regarding your return via email or chat. We will work to quickly issue a replacement for your product order. Unless your order was damaged in our process, we do not reimburse or send a label for the return shipping. You may ship it back to us by any method you’d like to the following address:

eRetailing Inc. Returns
2282 Westbrooke Drive
Columbus, OH 43228


Order the wrong size? Wrong color? We have your back! If you have ordered clothing, click on your electronic receipt you received from us to edit your shipping address, size, or color of your item. Items cannot be added or removed from an order. If your order has been processed, email or chat with us so we can assist you further. Email us at [email protected] or chat with us from our home page during our regular chat hours . If your order has already shipped, we’ve got you covered with our super easy return / exchange policy.