What to look for:

Has the order shipped?  Check ship date from production?  We should see an initial update within 4-5 business days.

Was the right tracking link received? There are times customers may received the incorrect carrier link, double check to see if the shipper and carrier link matches

Tracking numbers Examples:

(420801129374811015300514568027) Carrier is DHL, These tracking numbers are longer than the standard, USPS uses the same tracking number without the first digits that are highlighted  These orders move in transit via DHL, once they arrive to the designated city, they are handed to USPS for delivery by the local mail carrier.

(9400136105440576019881) Carrier is USPS - Tracking numbers that start with 94 are typically a faster ship speed “USPS Priority Mail. This order stays with USPS from pick up to delivery. 

(1Z40X83Y0310067764) Carrier UPS - Tracking numbers start with a 1Z, ships via ground shipping.  This moves in transit with UPS and is delivered by the carrier

(0004010544002011456548165977866) Carrier is USPS,  This tracking ships with USPS in first class mail.  These items are shipped in a letter envelope, and will be delivered with their everyday mail to their inbox.  These are the most frequently overlooked items. Before replacing, ask the customer to refer back to their mail to confirm it was not already received or overlooked in their mailbox.

(example: https://prod.backroom.printsyndicate.com/customer-service/order/24293441)