To cancel an order, the order first must still be within Purchased or New Status via LH backroom.  To start the cancellation process for orders printed via Dream Junction. check the Dream Junction portal with the LookHuman Shipment number next to the item being printed with our partner. You can search this order through Dream Junction by first selecting the Orders tab on the left of the screen. On this page add your shipment number to the field that says Purchase Order field. If the order has not been shipped, it can be cancelled. After searching the order, you should see the order number listed, to expand the details select the magnifying glass on the order. If you are struggling to locate an order, be sure you are using the correct field with no spaces before or after your order number. After opening your order, the upper right hand corner shows an option for Service Request.  Here is where we can cancel an order, or note other order related issues. A small note is required with each service detailing the issue. Photos can be attached here. After the order is cancelled with the shipper, please update Order status within LookHuman Backroom to cancelled. If only partial of an order is being cancelled, leave the status as is at the top of the page next to the Order number. Partial orders only need the shipment status cancelled.

Quick Steps (Dream Junction Cancellation):

  •      Open LH Order & copy shipment number
  • Search via Partner Order number via Dream Junct. Portal
  • Cancel order (if possible) via DJ
  • Go to LH backroom and Cancel partial order (shipment only) or entire order (shipment and order status at top of page)
  • After cancelling your order be sure to note the reason as to why the order was cancelled